Back Spasm Exercises Pictures
Top Exercises for Upper and Lower Back Muscle Spasms
Back muscle spasms can wreak havoc on your world. They can cause you tremendous pain and suffering, as well as interfere with your daily life.
If they’re mild, they may cause you just enough discomfort to decrease your enjoyment in normally pleasurable activities.
And, if they’re strong and intense, they can keep you from performing at work or attending important family functions.
Therefore, the sooner you get them under control, the better. One way to do this is via exercise.
No, you don’t have to go out and run a marathon or compete in a Strong Man (or Woman) competition to get relief. But, there are a few things you can do to ease your pain.
Think of these exercises not as just a way to resolve the back muscle spasms that you’re having, but also as a way to prevent them in the future.
The stronger your core, the less likely it is that you’ll get spasms to begin with. Therefore, you can use the same workout for spasm prevention and treatment as they serve this dual effect.
One important thing to note is that if any of these exercises aggravates the pain and makes it more intense, stop it immediately.
You want to be extremely careful to not make the spasms worse and, although these are meant to alleviate the pain you feel, sometimes there is more going on with you than just spasms and it may require medical intervention to come up with an appropriate solution.
With that thought in mind, here are the top 10 exercises for upper and lower back muscle spasms that you may want to add to your workout routine for optimum back health:
#1: Pelvic Tilt
This stretch in particular will help ease your back pain and make daily activities much easier in the process.
It not only releases the muscles in your lower back, but it also engages your glutes (your butt muscles) which tones them and makes them stronger and more able to support better posture and form – resulting in fewer injuries in the future.
To perform the pelvic tilt, lie on your back either on the carpet or on an exercise mat.
Bend your knees, keeping them about a fist width apart and place the soles of your feet on the floor, shoulder width apart.
Put your hands down by your sides, palms facing down (they should be next to your buttocks).
Slowly, tilt your pelvis so that your lower back is flat against the floor, and then lift your hips off the floor all while keeping your pelvis titled downward.
Squeeze your gluteal muscles and keep your hips raised as if there were a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
Hold it for a count of four and then lower your hips back to the floor.
Ideally you’ll want to perform three sets of eight repetitions each (for a total of 24 exercises).
#2: Knee to Chest Stretches
Another stretch that will release the pressure in your lower back and ease spasms is one where you bring your knees to your chest.
This elongates your back and allows it to lengthen the muscles that are the primary culprits when it comes to back pain and discomfort.
The knee to chest stretches are also performed while on your back on the floor. However, instead of bending your knees and putting the soles of your feet on the floor, you’ll want to keep your legs straight and extended.
Bend your right knee and grab just below it, as you pull your knee closer to your chest.
Make sure the moves are slow and deliberate, stopping at the point where you can feel a slight pull in your lower back, but no pain. Release the knee and move your leg back to the floor.
Repeat this exercise with the other leg, being sure to bring it as close to your chest as you can.
Finally, finish by bringing both knees up at the same time and holding them so that you can feel the stretch through your entire back region.
Go through this sequence of right leg, left leg and then both legs approximately 10 times for optimal lower back stretching.
#3: Standing Hamstring Stretch
Because tight hamstrings can aggravate your back and cause it to spasm, it’s important to keep them flexible and stretched too.
Remember that the muscles in your body are interrelated so keeping them all in optimal health is important to your overall ability to function and live an active life.
When performing a standing hamstring stretch, you want to prop your right foot up on a chair or other piece of furniture or equipment that is around knee height, keeping your leg straight. Slowly bend forward, being sure to keep your hips aligned and facing forward.
Keep bending until you feel the stretch as it goes down the backside of your upper leg. Straighten back up and repeat the exercise on the left side.
Do 10-12 repetitions per side for a proper hamstring stretch that may just eliminate lower back spasms.
#4: The Exaggerated Walk
Walking is a great activity for strengthening the lower back. So, exaggerated walking is even better when you’re trying to relieve the tension from muscles that are constricted, tense and in spasm mode.
Plus, you can do it anywhere, making it a great exercise no matter where you are (work, home, running errands, etc.).
To exaggerate your walk, simply lift your knees higher than you normally would when you walk around.
Be sure to keep your back straight so that you isolate the muscles that are giving you the most grief.