3 Poses To Relieve Pain In Between The Shoulder Blades | Yoga 15

Yoga to Stretch back

Yoga Terms And Meanings / September 27, 2023

YOU'LL LOVE THIS ONE TOO While it might be tricky to distinguish which of the following rhomboid major, longissimus, or clavier is not like the others (hint: two are back muscles and one is a keyboard instrument like a harpsichord), most people can recognize and have experienced the pain of a tight back.
The feeling of stiffness, soreness, and restricted mobility can lead to trouble sleeping, muscle spasms, and stress induced anxiety. Having a tight back is the worst, so to help relieve some of that back pain, here are some anatomical pointers as well as a few friendly yoga poses that will give you a good back stretch!

Anatomical Pointers

The human back encompasses the area from the top of the butt to the nape and consists many things including the back muscles and the vertebral column. The muscles of the back are divided into three main categories: superficial, intermediate, and deep/intrinsic.

From tailbone to in-between the ears, the vertebral column consists of the coccygeal vertebrae, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, and cervical vertebrae which are divided into the sacral curve, lumbar curve, thoracic curve, and cervical curve.

The vertebral column is also known more generally as the spine. Movements of the spine consist of flexion, extension, axial rotation, and lateral flexion.

back stretches to relieve tension1. Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Arms for the Superficial Back Muscles

The superficial back muscles include the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae and the rhomboids (major and minor) and are associated with movements of the shoulder. Eagle arms can be practiced seating or standing to stretch and strengthen the superficial back muscles.

Practice Tip: Since Eagle arms constrict movement and compress in the front of the body, inviting breath into the back of the body helps deepen the pose as well as release tension in the back.

2. Dandasana (Staff Pose) for the Intermediate Back Muscles

Credit: Christie Pitko

The serratus posterior superior and inferior are the intermediate back muscles associated with movements of the thoracic cage, which is a fancy way of saying they assist with an important function in yoga called breathing.

Practice Tip: Maintaining an erect spine invites a direct path for energy flow and activating the bandhas makes this pose one of the most challenging to maintain focus while also strengthening the spine and supporting back muscles.

3. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Stance Forward Bend) for the Intrinsic Back Muscles

The intrinsic back muscles are also divided into three layers: superficial, intermediate, and deep. While some of these muscles only run a short distance from the nape to the base of the neck, some of these muscles run all the way down the spine.

The intrinsic muscles are associated with movements of the vertebral column. Poses like wide-stance forward bend invite passive lengthening of the spinal muscles and mild flexion of the spine.

Kristin - Staff Pose Credit: Jacqueline Buchanan wide legged forward fold cobra-pose-Bhujangasana2-733x440px

Source: www.doyouyoga.com