2 Best Lower back Strengthening Exercises
Deadlift OR Squat or a variation of either (i.e. Squat - Box Squats, Front Squat, Wide Stance, Deadlift - Trap Bar Deadlift, Snatch Grip Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Platform Deadlift) - 5 x 5
- Mon: Full Body
Tue: GPP/HIIT Cardio/Off
Wed: Rest
Thu: GPP/HIIT Cardio/Off
Fri: Full Body
Sat: GPP/HIIT Cardio/Off
Sun: Rest/Recovery (i.e. deep tissue massage)
I understand a lot of people like to work the whole body in their sessions in the gym, which I don't have a problem with, as it can be beneficial for many as a change or a staple form of training.